Have you ever loved a food which you only ate every so often? In my younger years, that food for me was cornbread. I never planned on eating cornbread, but every so often I enjoyed the pleasant surprise of coming across some cornbread on my plate as a side to my meal. One day though, I made the crucial mistake of telling my mom I LOVED cornbread.
After that I received cornbread on my plate every few days as a side to either my lunch or dinner. This was a terrific development (being 10 years old at the time). It eventually became a problem however as it didn't stop there. My mom quickly noticed how much I enjoyed it, so she kept buying it until it eventually got to the point that I had it everyday as a lunch and dinner side. I guess in my moms mind, it was a better option than candy or potato chips.
Meh... Not a fan |
Eventually, the sweetness and deliciousness of cornbread wore off. Be that as it may, I still ate it, as it was better than anything else on my plate. My mom's cooking isn't the best. Alas my mom didn't notice that I grew sour to the idea of having cornbread with every meal and what was worse, everyone else in my family began eating it since there was always some in the kitchen. I had created a tipping point of sorts. So my mom kept buying more.
After a while, I couldn't help but be disgusted by the sight of cornbread. It became this symbol to me of over-saturation and the idea of ruining a good thing. From that point forward, I wouldn't even look at it, let alone, touch it.
Eventually, everyone else in my family began reacting the same way and a year after that, my mom stopped buying cornbread. Why did she wait so long to stop buying it? I assume that it made her job easier as she didn't have to worry about thinking too outside the box on which supermarket items to buy. Real tough, I know. But in all seriousness, I'm fairly certain she thought this at the time.
It may not seem like it at first glance, but I have just described the state of interactions between fans and sports journalists when it comes to reporting sports rumors. Like cornbread once was for me, sports rumors pertaining to transactions used to be this little side dish fans got every so often that was the perfect complement for the actual sport itself. It was generally small and left you craving more, only you wouldn't get another one until just the right amount of time had passed.